Saturday, November 17, 2012

2-year Teaching Fellowship at Stanford Law School's LLM Program in Environmental Law and Policy, Deadline: Feb. 1, 2013

From Stanford Law School:

Teaching Fellow for Stanford Law School LLM Programin Environmental Law & Policy

The TeachingFellow for the StanfordLaw SchoolLLM Programin EnvironmentalLaw& Policy will workwith LLMstudent candidatesin the program.The fellow willassume significant academic, advising and administrative duties. He or she will be responsible fororganizingand teaching threequartersof a colloquium addressing current issuesand scholarship inthe environment,energy,other natural resources,and relatedfields. The fellow willalso organize andfacilitate informalworkshops, outside speakers,and academicand socialevents;be responsible forday-to-day administrative managementof the LLMprogram;advise andcounselLLM candidateson academicand personalissues; respond to inquiriesfrom prospective LLMapplicants; andinteract withour faculty insupport ofthe LLM programgoals and needs. Thefellow willwork withthe Executive Director of InternationalGraduatePrograms, andunder thesupervision ofthe Faculty Directorof the Environmental& NaturalResourcesLaw& Policy program.The fellowwill alsofully participatein the admissions process,working underthe guidanceof the AssociateDeanfor Admissions toadmit thenew class.Althoughthis isa fulltime position, thefellowshould have areasonableamountof time toconducthis orher ownresearch,and willhave ready access to affiliated facultyforthat purpose.

Candidatesfor thisposition areexpectedto havestrong academicrecordsand references. Professionalexperiencein the areais alsovaluable.This position isintendedprimarilyfor peoplewho expectto pursuean academiccareerin a fieldthat isreasonablyrelatedto the specialization andwho hold aJD, JSDor LLMfrom aU.S. lawschool. Applicants are expectedto commit tothis position inone yearincrements, starting in July 2013, witha two- year commitment preferred.

Those interestedshould applyby letter,summarizing theircompleteeducationalqualifications andexperience,as wellas anyotherinformationthat mighthelp usin making selections. Each applicant should alsosendus anofficiallaw school transcript, a resume,copiesof any publications, andthreelettersof recommendation (atleasttwo fromlaw professors) commenting onthe applicantssuitabilityforthe position interms ofteaching ability,analytic capability, interpersonal skills, and writing ability.

Apply by February 1, 2013:

Your application packageshould be sent to:

StanfordLaw School
Attention: AngelaArroyo
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610

Or by email to:

Applicantsmust also submit their resume electronically through the applicant tracking system at and reference job number 50140.

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