Saturday, November 24, 2012

Student Opportunities: EPA Office of Enforcement; Energy Law Writing Competition

Here's EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance statement on opportunities for law clerks and interns:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance
Washington, D.C.
Fall-Winter-Spring-Summer Externs WELCOME           _____________________________________________
The EPA Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance (OECA) offers qualified and highly motivated law students the opportunity to work side by side with practicing environmental lawyers and technical professionals in its Washington, D.C. headquarters office.  Students work in the office as academic (for credit) interns; under a variety of public service or academic fellowships and as unpaid law clerks or interns.  In some years, depending on budgetary allowances, a limited number of paid positions for Summer 2013 may be available.
We do not offer paid positions during the academic year. Since 1990, students from more than 173 domestic and foreign law schools and other academic institutions have participated in our program.
Law clerks and interns work in one or more of the designated practice areas in OECA, including:
Clean Air Act Enforcement
Toxics & Pesticides Enforcement
Clean Water Act Enforcement
Hazardous Waste (RCRA) Enforcement
Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Enforcement (Superfund)
Multi-statute case development & enforcement
Criminal Law Enforcement
Federal Activities (NEPA, Environmental Impact Statement Review)
International Enforcement (NAFTA; Import/Export requirements)
Federal Facilities Enforcement
Administrative Litigation & Appellate Review
Environmental Justice
Enforcement Policy & Planning
Enforcement Targeting & Development
Compliance Assurance & Outreach

Law clerks and interns work under the direct supervision of a practicing attorney or technical professional in one of the 15 practice areas in the Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance, performing a wide variety of legal or technical research, policy analysis or writing assignments. Each law clerk is expected to develop a written assessment of activity, documenting accomplishments, works in progress and anticipated issues. Summer internships generally run for eight to ten weeks. Students are assigned to work in one or more of the practice areas based upon a preference and skills questionnaire and the space available in each individual office. Qualified 3L, 2L and 1L students are accepted. For more information, see
The majority of the positions will be located in the EPA Ariel Rios Federal Office Building located  at 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. in Washington, D.C.  This building is easily accessible to the  metropolitan Metro subway system, Federal Triangle Station, which included the Orange and Blue   line trains. We are located a short distance from the White House, FBI Building and Smithsonian  Institution museums. A Metro transit subsidy of up to  $125.00 per month is available to all  student interns, paid or unpaid, regardless of appointment category. 

       Throughout the year, we offer a series of unique, specialized training sessions on a  wide variety of current and emerging issues regarding environmental protection, safety and law enforcement. These seminars are 90 minutes long.  Examples of educational programs offered include:  

                        - Contemporary Issues in Environmental Justice.                  
                        - Building a Strong Case: Challenge Proof Sampling & Effective
                            Case  Development for Environmental Crimes.                                         
                        - EPA as a Global Environmental Leader.
           - Walking the Talk: Live, Life Ecology for A Cleaner Tomorrow.                  
                        - Uncle Sam as a Polluter?   Enforcement Activities at Federal Facilities. 
                        - Alternate Dispute Resolution: Becoming A Standard Operating
                                 Procedure for Resolving Disputes.
                        - EPCRA: America’s Largest Neighborhood Watch Program -
                                 or How EPA Reduced Chemical Emissions Without Really Trying
                        - License To Kill: Pesticide Registration and Enforcement.
                        - Working Effectively with Tribal Governments to Protect Public Health
                        - Views from former EPA Summer Interns:  Environmental Law in
                               Government; Private Practice; Corporate America and Beyond.
                        - The Clean Air Act: It’s Not Necessarily Gone With The Wind.
 - Hazardous Waste Management in America: Overview of RCRA/CERCLA 
- Water & Wetlands: Current Developments & Challenges.
                        - Finding Your Dream Job in a Tight Market: Resumes; References  &  Sources.
1. Accurate, current resumes, references and a short cover letter highlighting the specific knowledge, skills and interests that you have in environmental law enforcement should be sent directly to   Positions are competitive. We look for law school candidates with superior records who have shown a commitment to law enforcement and environmental work. We look for candidates who are competitive in their work, not in their workplace. A team-oriented work environment means working collegially with lawyers and technical professionals. State your case clearly.  Tell us what you have accomplished in college or in law-related or environmental internships.

2.  The deadline for submitting applications for positions for Summer 2013 is February 20, 2012.   Telephone interviews can be scheduled for out of town candidates.

3.  The deadline for submitting applications for positions for Fall 2013 is July 20, 2013.   Telephone interviews can be scheduled for out of town candidates.

4.  The deadline for submitting applications for Winter-Spring 2013 is November 20, 2012.   Telephone interviews can be scheduled for out of town candidates.       
                                COMMERCIAL DELIVERY SERVICE.
6.        YOU MUST STATE YOUR NAME IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF ANY EMAIL                                                       SUBMITTALS.
7.   We gain our strength as people and professionals through inclusion and do not discriminate based upon race, religion, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability or marital status.  
8.      Questions may be directed to Mike Walker at or 202-564-2626.


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Here's an announcement for energy law writing competition, sponsored by the Institute for Energy Law at the Center for American and International Law (though I have to confess that I am not familiar with this Center and don't know whether it is affiliated with any university):

Call for Student Articles

To Become an IEL Hartrick Scholar for 2013

The IEL Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition: The Institute for Energy Law of The Center for American and International Law announces its 2013 Hartrick Scholar writing competition. All eligible students are invited to participate.

Eligible Students and Topics: Students enrolled in law school as of December 2012, and seeking a juris doctor degree, are eligible to submit an article for consideration in the IEL Hartrick Scholar competition. The general subject for this year’s competition is any topic related to energy development. This includes, for example, topics concerning oil and gas law, alternative energy resources, energy regulation, and environmental regulation of the energy industries.

The article can be any work prepared by the student while enrolled in law school and can include prior works prepared for law journal or a law school course, so long as the submitted version complies with the submission guidelines. The Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee will select one or more outstanding submissions that they deem worthy of recognition.

Submission Guidelines: The article must be submitted to the Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee, at the address listed below, on or before January 15, 2013. The article should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes (this approximates 40 double-spaced pages of text and footnotes or 25 printed pages). Footnotes should be in Blue Book format and placed at the bottom of the page where the footnoted text appears. The article should be submitted in pdf or hard copy accompanied by a cover email message or letter that contains the following information: (1) the title of your article; (2) the law school where you are currently enrolled; (3) your mailing address; (4) your telephone number; and (5) your email address. The article should not contain your name, law school, or any other identifying information.

Selection of the 2013 Hartrick Scholar(s): The Hartrick Scholar(s) selected by the Judging Committee will be notified on February 15, 2013. The Scholar(s) will receive a $2,500 cash award at the Institute for Energy Law’s 64th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference to be held February 21-22, 2013, in Houston, Texas. The Hartrick Scholar(s) also will be recognized for their work at the Career Paths For Young Attorneys in the Energy Sector Symposium to be held on March 1-2, 2013 at The University of Tulsa College of Law. Selection as a Hartrick Scholar includes, in addition to the $2,500 cash award, the cost of travel to attend the Conference in Houston and the Symposium in Tulsa.

Submit Articles To: For Questions Contact:

Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee Lilly Hogarth, Project Manager

ATTN: David B. Winn, Director Institute for Energy Law

Institute for Energy Law +1 (972) 244-3424

The Center for American and International Law

5201 Democracy Drive

Plano, Texas 75024-3561

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