Thursday, December 27, 2012

ABA Jobs Bulletin Board

In looking for something else, I came across the jobs bulletin board of the American Bar Association.  The available positions can be narrowed to just environmental jobs.  There appear to be primarily law firm and other commercial openings listed. Looks like a very useful resource, with one exception - some of the listings appear to require member log-in/password (though basic info such as job title and employer/location will often appear/be available even without log-in).

Here's link to website, for those interested - click the link and then enter "environmental" in the search box:

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Position: Director of UNEP New York Environment Management Group Secretariat, Deadline: Feb. 8, 2013

Position announcement for senior/director-level opening of UNEP's Environment Management Group Secretariat in NY.

For the listing on the UNEP Jobs website, see link here:

Job Title:         Director, New York Office/Secretariat of the Environment Management Group, D2

Department/Office:  United Nations Environment Programme

Duty Station: New York

Posting Period:  Dec. 10, 2012 - Feb. 8, 2013

Job Opening Number:  12-PGM-UNEP-25953-D-NEW YORK (X)

Some key info (for full set of information, see link above):


The incumbent will be responsible for: 1. Leading the Coordination and overseeing, the preparation of reports for presentation to the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies, and other policy-making organs, as appropriate, in consultation with the Office for Policy and Inter-Agency Affairs (OPIA), the Division of Regional Cooperation (UN Delivering as One Unit), and other relevant offices, 2. Contributing to the formulation of the Organization’s overall strategies and policies by participating in various committees, like High Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP), United Nations Development Group (UNDG), and Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB). Preparing documents on policy issues, and acting, as required, in an advisory capacity to the USG/ASG in the committees mentioned. 3. Acting as the Chief of the Secretariat of the UN Environment Management Group (EMG) and Secretary to the EMG and ensuring the effective functioning of the EMG, including its senior level decision-making body and its issue-management groups. Initiating, managing, coordinating and facilitating substantive preparations for and follow-up to EMG meetings and contributing to the development of strategic system-wide approaches to inter-agency coordination in the field of environment and human settlements through the EMG. 4. Managing the UNEP New York Office and the Secretariat of the EMG, including formulating and implementing their work programmes and undertaking all programmatic/administrative tasks necessary for the effective functioning of these entities.


Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in international relations, environmental policy/sciences, economics, law, social sciences or related area. A first-level university degree in combination with additional two years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Qualifying years of experience are calculated following the receipt of the first-level university degree recognized by the United Nations.

Work Experience:

Over 15 years of professional working experience of which 10 should be at the international level including relevant experience of UN environmental policy negotiations and functioning of multilateral bodies.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Student Opportunity: Environmental Justice Writing Competition, $1000 Prize, Deadline: May 3, 2013

Of possible interests to students.  For full announcement see end of post.  Here's an excerpt:
Twenty years ago, Luke Cole identified the need for “environmental poverty law,” which he described as “a model of practice based on client empowerment, group representation, and a narrow role for legal tools.” [Luke W. Cole, Empowerment as the Key to Environmental Protection: The Need for Environmental Poverty Law, 19 ECOLOGY L.Q. 619, 683 (1992).  ] In honor of Cole’s life and work, which were devoted to representing low-income and minority communities exposed to more than their fair share of environmental harms, the American Bar Association invites thoughtful essays on the evolution and future of environmental justice lawyering. Essays may address issues such as standing and the limits of available causes of action; ethical, organizational, principal-agent, and other challenges of representing environmental justice communities and community based organizations; special concerns with good neighbor, community benefits, and other agreements; the appropriate roles an attorney should play in advancing client and community interests; implications of recent developments such as EPA’s Plan EJ 2014 (including “Legal Tools,” a review of available legal authorities), the preliminary finding of adverse, disparate impact of agency-funded activities under Title VI and subsequent settlement in Angelita C, and the rise of “climate justice” as an organizing principle.

PRIZE: The winning essay will receive an offer of publication from the Brooklyn Law Review and a prize of $1,000, courtesy of the American Bar Association.  Submissions are due by Friday, May 3, 2013. Members of ABA’s Environmental Justice Committee and editors of the Brooklyn Law Review will select the winner, to be announced on Friday, July 12, 2013. The Committee includes the following members:
ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to currently enrolled students of ABA-accredited law schools and recent graduates (within one year). Only original, non-published essays will be considered. Papers submitted for course requirements are eligible for entry. Each entrant may submit only one paper.
AUTHORSHIP: Each essay must be authored by only one student. Jointly written papers will not be accepted.
FORMAT: Essays must be between twenty-five and forty pages in length, inclusive of footnotes, double-spaced. Essay style must conform to the current edition of THE BLUEBOOK: A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION.
DEADLINE: Submissions must be postmarked or emailed no later than Friday, May 3, 2013.
SUBMISSION: Papers must be submitted either online in MS Word or in hard copy at the appropriate address below. Each submission must include the following information about the author: (a) name; (b) law school affiliation; (c) telephone number; (d) mailing address; and (e) email address. Papers will not be returned to authors.
PUBLICATION: Each submission must be accompanied by a letter certifying that the essay has not been previously published, that it is the student’s work only, and that Brooklyn Law School and the American Bar Association have independent, exclusive rights of publication, should the essay be selected as the winner of the competition.
JUDGING CRITERIA: Essays will be evaluated on the basis of four criteria: originality, depth and quality of research and analysis, relevance (timeliness, contribution to the field), and clarity of expression. Judges’ evaluations will not be made available to entrants or the public.
ADDRESS: Please send all questions and submissions to Gregg Macey, Chair, Environmental Justice Committee, American Bar Association Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, Brooklyn Law School, 250 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11201 or via email (preferred) at, attn: Essay Competition.
FINALITY: Decisions of the judges concerning the competition are final.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Positions: 3 Env. Impact Assessment jobs at University of Lapland, Finland, Deadline: Jan. 30, 2013

Interesting positions announcement, distributed via email, by Prof. Timo Koivurova from Finland:


The Barents EIA project aims at designing a Roadmap together with decision makers,
companies, and other stakeholders to improved EIA processes for sustainable development in the
Arctic. The project will provide Finnish companies with good practices and free access to an
online information service that contains information about environmental legislation, rules, and
contact persons/institutions in Finland and in Russia. Thereby the project promotes high
environmental standards and business opportunities in Arctic Russia and Finland.

The tasks of the project are as follows:
- to support companies to develop their EIA processes in Northern Finland and Arctic Russia
- to investigate the needs of companies regarding EIA
- to develop a practical, free-access, and online information service for companies.
We are looking for highly motivated, team-oriented candidates.

Project manager, 1 March 2013 – 30 January 2014
The project manager will be responsible for the main products of the project together with the
responsible leader. You will engage in joint development of the implementation of EIA procedures,
including the design and coordination of benchmarking visits, the collection of experiences and
practices of EIA implementation, and the development of good practices together with companies.
Strong experience on EIA processes, participatory development skills, and stakeholder orientation are
expected. A PhD is considered as an advantage. You will also be responsible for the operational
management of the project (meetings, schedules, budget, administration, and reports). The salary is
based on the universities’ salary system and its requirement levels 8 – 9 concerning general personnel.
Thereby, the task-specific salary component is 2,445.68 – 2,825.68 €/month. In addition, the total
salary includes a personal performance-based component amounting up to 46.3% of the task-specific
salary component.

Researcher, 1 March 2013 – 31 December 2014

The researcher will analyze EIA practices and trends in the Arctic by collecting and analyzing primary

and secondary data, by drawing conclusions, and by contributing to articles and reports supporting the
development of the Roadmap. Experience on testing EIA processes in practice is expected. The salary
is based on the universities’ salary system and its requirement levels 3 – 5 concerning teaching and
research personnel. Thereby, the task-specific salary component is 2,139.50 – 2,820.64 €/month. In
addition, the total salary includes a personal performance-based component amounting up to 46.3% of
the task-specific salary component.
Researcher (Info Service on Russia), 1 November 2013 – 31 October 2014

The researcher will be responsible for the information service and the modes of application in the
Arctic Region. Proficiency in environmental assessment in the Russian Federation and in the related
legislative rules and procedures is required. Also, experience in testing EIA processes in practice is
expected. The salary is based on the universities’ salary system and its requirement levels 3 – 5
concerning teaching and research personnel. Thereby, the task-specific salary component is 2,139.50 –
2,820.64 €/month. In addition, the total salary includes a personal performance-based component
amounting up to 46.3% of the task-specific salary component.
The working languages are English and Russian.

Send your application to the University of Lapland (Kirjaamo, Yliopistonkatu 8) BOX 122, 96101
Rovaniemi by 30 January 2013.

More information: research professor, responsible leader, Dr. Timo Koivurova, Tel. +358405519522,

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Student Opportunity: Internship for Spring Semester at Convention on Biological Diversity, Deadline: January 15, 2013

Note that the preferred start date for this internship is January 13, 2013, with a 4-6 month internship duration.  Location is in Montreal, Canada, the headquarters of the CBD.   Formal work will be with the Programme of Work on Lifeweb, Protected Areas, Dry and Sub-Humid Lands, and Climate Change.  Internship is unpaid.  Link to the announcement is here: 
Text of announcement below:


Minimum of 4 months (6 months preferable), commencing January 2013
1 in Montreal, Canada.
Please note that commencing date is negotiable

The purpose of this internship is to provide assistance for the implementation of the programmes of work on protected areas, dry and sub-humid lands and climate change of the Convention on Biological Diversity, specifically:

1) Reviewing information and making recommendations on PoWPA and LifeWeb areas of work
2) Reviewing information and making recommendations related to biodiversity and climate change.

The internship offers an opportunity for a graduate student to gain international work experience and become acquainted with the implementation of a major United Nations multilateral environmental agreement and the intergovernmental processes this entails.


The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is one of the key agreements adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where world leaders agreed on a comprehensive strategy for sustainable development – meeting our needs while ensuring that we leave a healthy and viable world for future generations. The Convention has 193 Parties and sets out commitments for maintaining the world's ecological underpinnings as we go about the business of economic development. The Convention establishes three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources.


Under the daily supervision of the CBD LifeWeb Associate Programme Officer and working closely with the Programme Officer on Climate Change and Dry and Sub-humid Lands, the intern will contribute to the substantive work of the Secretariat in advancing implementation of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas.
The intern will contribute to the work of two separate but closely linked programmes of work, i.e. the programme of work on protected areas which includes the LifeWeb Initiative, and the programme of work on dry and sub-humid lands, including work on climate change and linkages with other multilateral environmental agreements. In particular, the tasks of the intern may include, but will not be limited to, the following:

Review, analyze, and make recommendations to improve online gathering of data, storage and analysis of protected area and related information and reports;

Research new and innovative knowledge management tools and other opportunities;

Research donor profiles and align their priorities with those of potential partner countries and projects seeking funding;
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General administrative and data entry related tasks as required;

Create PowerPoint presentations summarizing key documents

Conduct research on the impact of tropospheric ozone on biodiversity

Support the coordination of the cooperation of the Secretariat with other biodiversity-related MEAs, including the revision of the relevant sections of the CBDs website
The work will
inter alia involve desk study, review of existing project and country profiles, internet research, liaising with relevant institutions and SCBD staff, and the drafting of documents. TOR may be further specified in accordance with the needs of the Secretariat as well as the personal interests and qualifications of the candidate.

Please note the following minimum eligibility criteria for an internship at the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Applicant MUST:
1. Be currently enrolled in a graduate (Masters) or post-graduate (PhD) programme;
2. Submit an endorsement from the Nominating/Sponsoring Institution;
3. Be willing to intern on a full-time basis spending five days a week for a period of at least four months;
4. Be covered by medical insurance and before arrival (if selected) provide the Secretariat with a medical doctor’s attestation of your general health.


Candidates from all disciplines are welcome to apply for this post. However, a strong interest in multilateral diplomacy and sustainable development is essential and prior experience in communications would be highly regarded. In addition, prior exposure to climate change, biodiversity issues and protected areas would be an asset.
Additional required qualifications:
 Experience and skills in Knowledge Management;
 Oral and written fluency in English;

Ability to familiarize him/herself with complex tasks in a brief period of time and to work under minimal supervision and meet tight deadlines;
 Enjoy working in a dynamic and multicultural environment;
 Strong online researching skills;
 International mindset and a desire to change the world.
Desirable qualifications:
 Oral and written fluency in other UN official languages;
 Experience living in developing country and/or rural community contexts;
 Prior exposure to conservation and biodiversity related issues;
 Experience in Computer Science and working with databases.

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Internships with the UN are not remunerated and all the expenses connected with it must be borne by the intern or by the sponsoring institution or government;

There is no expectancy of employment at the end of the internship; and the UN accepts no responsibility for accidents and/or illness incurred during the intern’s stay;

The UN does not deal with immigration authorities in Canada and, therefore, the intern is responsible for obtaining any necessary visas on his/her own.

The intern will conduct him/herself at all times in a manner compatible with the responsibilities as a holder of a UN internship programme, and will not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the discharge of duties with the organization;

The intern will exercise the utmost discretion in all matters of official business of the organization;

The intern will not communicate at any time to any other person or authority external to the UN, any information known by reason of the internship, which has not been made public, except in the course of duties or by authorization of the UN; nor shall the intern at any time use such information to private advantage;

The intern shall keep confidential any and all unpublished information made known by the accepting office in the course of the internship and not publish any reports or papers on the basis of information obtained during the length of the programme, except upon the authorization of the UN.

The intern shall arrange for own transport to and from the UN;

The intern will provide a written notice in case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances which might prevent him/her from fulfilling his/her obligations;

The intern will prepare an exit report and an exit questionnaire and submit them to the Human Resource Management Service at the end of the assignment.
(N.B. You may be requested to supply documentary evidence, which supports the statements you have made in your application. Do not, however, send any document or evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organization and, in any event, do not submit the original text of references or testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization. Applications will not, as a general rule, be valid or be retained by the United Nations for more than six months from date of receipt.)


Please use the internship application form available online at: An electronic copy of the application form, along with a CV and cover letter, must be received by 15 January 2013. Please entitle the subject line of your e-mail "LifeWeb Internship Application". An endorsement letter from the Nominating/Sponsoring Institution must be received prior to the commencement of the internship.

Mr. Matthew Dias

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
413, rue St-Jacques - Suite 800
Montréal, Québec H2Y 1N9

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Immediate Position Opening in NYC -- Environmental Law Writer

This is a position announcement by Professor Michael Gerrard (at Columbia University Law School) that he sent out today via email:

I have an immediate opening for a full-time person to prepare updates to multi-volume reference works on environmental law; help write a monthly newsletter about new developments in environmental law in New York; update a chart on climate litigation and a separate chart on hydrofracking litigation; and write other materials in the area. Minimum qualifications include a J.D. degree; substantive background in environmental law; and ability to write clearly and quickly. Some background in journalism or publishing is desirable. Bar admission is not required. The hours are flexible. The salary is $60,000/year plus benefits. The place of work will be the New York City office of Arnold & Porter. Candidates should send a cover note and c.v. to No calls, please

Monday, December 17, 2012

Best Places to Work in the Federal Government . . . for Environmental Lawyers

For a posting on this and some interesting new information about satisfaction of environemntal lawyers in the federal goverment, please see my Citizen Yang post at

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fellowship: Columbia Fellowship on Climate Change Law, Deadline: February 15, 2013

Head of the Center is Prof. Michael Gerrard.
Applications are invited for a fellowship in climate change law at Columbia Law School’s Center for Climate Change Law.  The salary will be $60,000/year plus benefits.  Applicants must have received a J.D. degree within three years prior to the beginning of the Fellowship. Strong academic qualifications and background in environmental or energy law and policy will be expected. The Fellow will function as Associate Director of the Center; will supervise various fellows, visiting scholars and interns; will work on a wide variety of research and writing projects; and will help organize conferences, seminars, collaborative publications, and other projects concerning climate mitigation and adaptation. 
The Fellowship will be for a one-year period, from September 2013 through August 2014. The application deadline is February 15, 2013.
More information about the Center is available at Applicants should submit a cover letter, C.V. and law school transcript to (no calls, please).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Climate Change Job Vacancies

OK - here's a whole jobs listing page circulated by the Climate-L listserv. This was faster than trying to figure out what would be helpful for environmental lawyers.  

Climate Change Job Vacancies Update - Climate Change Policy & Practice
A weekly compilation of job announcements recently posted to the Climate
Change Policy & Practice
jobs listing from our CLIMATE-L community subscribers
Latest Climate Change Job Vacancies - 11 December 2012
Country Director India, International Programs, ISC
Organization: Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC)
Position: Country Director India - International Programs
Duty Station: New Delhi (Delhi), India
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Country Director Bangladesh, International Programs, ISC
Organization: Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC)
Position: Country Director Bangladesh - International Programs
Duty Station: Dhaka (Dhaka), Bangladesh
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Marketer for household biogas systems, Kiambu county (Kenya), SES
Organization: Sustainable Energy Strategies Ltd. (SES)
Position: Marketer for household biogas systems, Kiambu county (Kenya)
Duty Station: Nairobi (Nairobi Area), Kenya
Deadline for Application: 12 December 2012
click here for more information...
Expert – Carbon Footprint of Products/SIS Projects in East Africa and South and South East Asia, SIS
Organization: Swedish Standards Institute (SIS)
Position: Expert – Carbon Footprint of Products/SIS Projects in East Africa and South and South East Asia
Duty Station: Regions where the project is implemented
Deadline for Application: 15 December 2012
click here for more information...
Knowledge and Outreach Manager, IGES
Organization: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Regional Centre in Bangkok (IGES)
Position: Knowledge and Outreach Manager
Duty Station: Bangkok (Krung Thep), Thailand
Deadline for Application: 15 December 2012
click here for more information...
Knowledge Management Specialist, LLC
Organization: Terra Global Capital (LLC)
Position: Knowledge Management Specialist
Duty Station: Washington (District of Columbia), United States of America
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Climate Change Mitigation Specialist, LLC
Organization: Terra Global Capital (LLC)
Position: Climate Change Mitigation Specialist
Duty Station: Washington (District of Columbia), United States of America
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
10 Research Positions [ref. CCSD10/10.2012], Research Programme on Climate Change and Sustainable Development, FEEM
Organization: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Position: 10 Research Positions [ref. CCSD10/10.2012] - Research Programme on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Duty Station: Milan or Venice, Italy
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Administrative Assistant, Nexus-Carbon for Development
Organization: Nexus-Carbon for Development
Position: Administrative Assistant
Duty Station: Singapore
Deadline for Application: 21 December 2012
click here for more information...
DRC Technical Advisor, USAID/CARPE program, working with the DRC Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, and Tourism, USDA Forest Service, International Programs & METI
Organization: USDA Forest Service, International Programs & METI
Position: DRC Technical Advisor - USAID/CARPE program, working with the DRC Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, and Tourism
Duty Station: Kinshasa (Kinshasa), Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Deadline for Application: 21 December 2012
click here for more information...
Project Mid-Term Evaluator, “Standards and Labels for Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Russian Federation”, United Nations Development Programme in the Russian Federation
Organization: United Nations Development Programme in the Russian Federation
Position: Project Mid-Term Evaluator - “Standards and Labels for Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Russian Federation”
Duty Station: Home-based with 1 or 2 missions to Moscow
Deadline for Application: 25 December 2012
click here for more information...
Atmospheric Modeller, ICIMOD
Organization: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Position: Atmospheric Modeller
Duty Station: Kathmandu (Bagmati), Nepal
Deadline for Application: 30 December 2012
click here for more information...
Urban Climate Change Specialist, International Resources Group (IRG)/Engility
Organization: International Resources Group (IRG)/Engility
Position: Urban Climate Change Specialist
Duty Station: Worldwide
Deadline for Application: 31 December 2012
click here for more information...
Trainee, Climate Change Programme (CCP)/UN CC:Learn Secretariat, UN CC:Learn Initiative (, UNITAR
Organization: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Position: Trainee - Climate Change Programme (CCP)/UN CC:Learn Secretariat, UN CC:Learn Initiative (
Duty Station: Geneva (Geneve), Switzerland
Deadline for Application: 31 December 2012
click here for more information...
Implementation Consultant Firm for Low Carbon Technology Marketplace, Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD), TA-8105 REG: Demonstration of An Assisted Broker Model for Transfer of Low Carbon Technologies to Asia and the Pacific (Subproject 2), ADB
Organization: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Position: Implementation Consultant Firm for Low Carbon Technology Marketplace - Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD), TA-8105 REG: Demonstration of An Assisted Broker Model for Transfer of Low Carbon Technologies to Asia and the Pacific (Subproject 2)
Duty Station: ADB headquarters in Manila, Philippines
Deadline for Application: 31 December 2012
click here for more information...
Climate Change Adaptation Specialists (two positions), Environment and Climate Division (ECD), Programme Management Department (PMD), IFAD’s new Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP), IFAD
Organization: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Position: Climate Change Adaptation Specialists (two positions) - Environment and Climate Division (ECD), Programme Management Department (PMD), IFAD’s new Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)
Duty Station: Rome (Lazio), Italy
Deadline for Application: 31 December 2012
click here for more information...
Climate Intern, Climate / Renewables, Renewable People
Organization: Renewable People
Position: Climate Intern - Climate / Renewables
Duty Station: Home based, ideally North America, other bases considered
Deadline for Application: 31 December 2012
click here for more information...
Alliance Manager, Nexus-Carbon for Development
Organization: Nexus-Carbon for Development
Position: Alliance Manager
Duty Station: Singapore
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Alliance Manager, Nexus-Carbon for Development
Organization: Nexus-Carbon for Development
Position: Alliance Manager
Duty Station: Singapore
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Project Manager, Climate Change Reporting in Germany, CDP
Organization: Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
Position: Project Manager - Climate Change Reporting in Germany
Duty Station: Berlin (Berlin), Germany
Deadline for Application: 2 January 2013
click here for more information...
Global Climate Change Adaptation Specialist - 13030, World Wild LifeFund
Organization: World Wild LifeFund
Position: Global Climate Change Adaptation Specialist - 13030
Duty Station: Guatemala, El Salvador, Other / Non-US
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Regional Climate & Environment Specialist for Latin America and the Caribbean Region (one position), Environment and Climate Division (ECD), Programme Management Department (PMD), IFAD
Organization: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Position: Regional Climate & Environment Specialist for Latin America and the Caribbean Region (one position) - Environment and Climate Division (ECD), Programme Management Department (PMD)
Duty Station: Rome (Lazio), Italy
Deadline for Application: 5 January 2013
click here for more information...
Program Officer, VCSA
Organization: Verified Carbon Standard Association (VCSA)
Position: Program Officer
Duty Station: Washington (District of Columbia), United States of America
Deadline for Application: 11 January 2013
click here for more information...
Volunteer- Technical support for starting in vitro potato seeds production in Guinea, Winrock International
Organization: Winrock International
Position: Volunteer- Technical support for starting in vitro potato seeds production in Guinea
Duty Station: Prefecture of Kindia, Guinea
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Volunteer - Capacity building, Winrock International
Organization: Winrock International
Position: Volunteer - Capacity building
Duty Station: Conakry/Mamou, Guinea
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Transport Research & Evaluation Manager, ITDP
Organization: Institute For Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP)
Position: Transport Research & Evaluation Manager
Duty Station: Washington, D.C., travel to international field offices required, United States of America
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
AFOLU Carbon Accounting Specialist, LLC
Organization: Terra Global Capital (LLC)
Position: AFOLU Carbon Accounting Specialist
Duty Station: San Francisco (California), United States of America
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Technical Director, Institute for Industrial Productivity
Organization: Institute for Industrial Productivity
Position: Technical Director
Duty Station: Washington (District of Columbia), United States of America
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Finance Manager Environmental Fund, Instituto del Medio Ambiente para el Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Colima (ANEAS), Culima, Mexico, CIM
Organization: Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM)
Position: Finance Manager Environmental Fund - Instituto del Medio Ambiente para el Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Colima (ANEAS), Culima, Mexico
Duty Station: Colima (Colima), Mexico
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Finance Manager Climate Fund, Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund ICCTF, Jakarta, Indonesia, CIM
Organization: Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM)
Position: Finance Manager Climate Fund - Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund ICCTF, Jakarta, Indonesia
Duty Station: Jakarta (Jakarta Raya), Indonesia
Deadline for Application: until suitable applicant is found
click here for more information...
Please send climate change job vacancies postings to Daniela Tarizzo at