Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Position: Deputy Chief of Party for JURIS project by ABA program in Beijing

Here  is an announcement for a Deputy Chief of Party position for the JURIS project of the ABA Rule of Law program in China.  (In USAID lingo, Deputy Chief of Party is essentially the deputy director of the project.)  This would be an exciting opportunity for the broader China law crowd, as environment is only a limited piece of work that ABA does in China.  I presume that the position would report directly to Allison Moore, who has been the leader of the ABA program in Beijing and responsible for this great project.

American Bar Association RUle of law initiative
position description

TITLE: Deputy Chief of Party LOCATION: Beijing, China
DATE: December 4, 2012
ABA ROLI is a non-profit pro­gram that implements legal reform programs in roughly 60 countries around the world. ABA ROLI has nearly 700 professional staff work­ing abroad and in its Washington, D.C. office. ABA ROLI’s host country partners include judges, lawyers, bar associations, law schools, court administrators, legislatures, ministries of justice and a wide array of civil society organi­zations.
The ABA Rule of Law Initiative is seeking a Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) for a new rule of law program in China, “Justice Under Rule of Law in Society” (JURIS), which will be implemented in partnership with The Asia Foundation. JURIS is a four-year project starting in October 2012 that aims to enhance access to justice in order to strengthen the rule of law in selected locations in China. JURIS will advance citizens' rights and access to justice through two strategic entry points: administrative law and criminal law, while identifying and tackling other priority legal issues as the project progresses in order to respond to China's dynamic reform environment. The DCOP candidate should be a development professional with rule of law expertise, including but not limited to: building the capacity of institutions in the justice sector; improving access to justice; experience with legal education; policy research and development in the justice sector; governance; public participation; and administrative law. Candidates must possess practical experience in managing and implementing rule of law programs.
  • Overall field responsibility for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ABA ROLI JURISprogram activities;
  • Manages international and local staff;
  • Identifies program methodologies and develops long-term and short-term strategies and work plans to improve the rule of law;
  • Responsible for financial oversight of program and for donor relations in-country.
Applicants should have a minimum of 5 years relevant experience managing multi-year, multi-million dollar projectsin fields required for the successful implementation of this program, such as rule of law, governance, public participation and capacity building, andinstitutional strengthening, as well as an understanding of policy and policy development in these sectors. An advanced degree in a relevant field (law, international development, governance) is required. Technical working experience in China is strongly desired.
Essential skills include:
  • Experience and/or knowledge of the legal, political, economic, administrative and socio-cultural context of legal and institutional reform in China;
  • Proven exceptional leadership in the design, management, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of similar size and complex USG-funded programs with skills in strategic planning, management, supervision, budgeting;
  • Experiencewith liaising and negotiating with host country governments, USG donors, and contractors as well as budget management, staff oversight, and the provision of legal services and technical advice;
  • Strong communication skills, both interpersonal and written, to fulfill the diverse technical and managerial requirements of the Program and to effectively coordinate with a wide range of regional stakeholders; proven ability to develop and communicate a common vision among diverse public partners and the ability to lead multi-disciplinary teams; excellent written and spoken English;
  • Proficiency in Mandarin is strongly desired.
Pleasesend your cover letter and CV to Jessica.Wallace@Americanbar.org

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