1. Program Lead/Senior Researcher for COS Climate Change Program.
2. Program Lead/Senior Researcher for COS Sea-Land Initiative.
A JD degree is among the educational backgrounds that would qualify. It's unclear what the deadline is, but I received the info only a few days ago.
For more info, see info from flyers below (which I cut-pasted here).
1. Program Lead/Senior Researcher for COS Climate Change Program.
Principal Responsibilities:
The Program Lead (PL) will be responsible for leading and actively engaging in the development and implementation of the Center’s climate change adaptation initiative. This initiative will address how, in the face of a changing climate, to increase the adaptive capacity (reduce vulnerabilities and increase resilience to climate change) at evolutionary, ecological, and social scales. The Director will build upon the work of the Center’s current projects, the expertise of the Center’s partners, and develop new projects with guidance from the COS Directors. The PL will be responsible for creating effective solutions, getting buy-in from key decision makers from the public, non-profit and for profit sectors, as appropriate, and creating and implementing a funding strategy to support the work of the initiative. The PL will work with COS staff, project faculty, researchers, and collaborators to develop a communications and education strategy to ensure effective implementation that results in tangible change to the coast and ocean. The PL will also be responsible for mentoring the Center’s Early Career Fellows (recent PhD, MBA or JD recipients) research analysts, and interns working on the Center’s climate change projects. Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building, 473 via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305, http://www.centerforoceansolutions.org, 650-723-4057
Required Qualifications:
• A PhD, JD, and/or MBA in related field. Preference will be given to individuals who help diversify the Center’s internal disciplinary expertise.
• Extensive knowledge of climate change and expected or realized impacts to the coast and ocean.
• Extensive knowledge of climate change adaptation practices and literature.
• Extensive knowledge of climate change communication and education.
• Excellent project management skills.
• Extensive network of relevant ocean science and policy experts.
• Experience providing briefings, presenting testimony, etc. for governmental bodies and/or leadership.
• Strong leadership skills and ability to work effectively with staff at many levels as a colleague or supervisor, as well as work successfully with faculty and researchers in developing concepts into implementation.
• Strong networking and relationship-building skills
• Ability to work well in partnerships involving a wide variety of organizations and businesses.
• Outstanding written and verbal communications skills. Experience developing and delivering effective briefings to diverse audiences (policy makers, managers, press, etc.)
• Strong personal initiative, problem solving skills, creativity, and ability to work independently and as a member of a team.
• Track record and ability to secure funding.
Term: This is a one-year position extendable up to five years and beyond, contingent upon funding and performance.
How to Apply: To ensure your application information is captured in our official files and that the hiring department also has immediate access to your resume, please submit your resume, cover letter and three references online at jobs.stanford.edu, Job ID #43173.
Stanford University is committed to equal opportunity through affirmative action in employment and we are especially eager to identify minority persons and women with appropriate qualifications.
More information on the Center can be found at: www.centerforoceansolutions.org.
2. Program Lead/Senior Researcher for COS Sea-Land Initiative.
The Center for Ocean Solutions (Center or COS) in Stanford’s Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University seeks to hire a Program Lead for the Center’s land-sea initiative. The Center for Ocean Solutions is located in the City of Monterey, near the Monterey Bay Aquarium, MBARI and Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station. COS also maintains offices on the main Stanford campus. The Center works to solve the major problems facing the ocean and prepares leaders to take on these challenges.
Principal Responsibilities:
The Program Lead (PL) will be responsible for leading and actively engaging in the development and implementation of the Center’s land-sea initiative. This initiative will address how to advance our understanding of the connectivity between coastal and ocean ecosystems and will develop technological and policy tools for reducing the impact of land-based activities on the ocean. Areas of focus may include: (1) coastal pathogens, (2) ocean acidification and hypoxia in coastal waters, (3) agricultural and other sources of nonpoint run-off, (4) coastal habitat and land use changes, and (5) desalination. Many of these project areas have the potential to overlap and augment ongoing projects in both the climate change and ecosystem health initiatives, therefore careful coordination with the Center’s teams working within these other initiatives will be crucial to success in this position. The PL will build upon the work of the Center’s current projects, the expertise of the Center’s partners, and develop new projects with guidance from the COS Directors. The PL will be responsible for creating effective solutions, getting buy-in from key decision makers from the public, non-profit and for-profit sectors, as appropriate, and creating and implementing a funding strategy to support the work of the initiative. The PL will work with COS staff, project faculty, researchers, and collaborators to develop a communications and education strategy to ensure effective implementation that results in tangible change to the coast and ocean. The PL will also be responsible for mentoring the Center’s Early Career Fellows (recent PhD, MBA or JD recipients), research analysts, and interns working on the Center’s land-sea projects. Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building, 473 via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305, http://www.centerforoceansolutions.org, 650-723-4057
Required Qualifications:
• A PhD, JD, and/or MBA in related field. Preference will be given to individuals who help diversify the Center’s internal disciplinary expertise.
• Extensive knowledge of the mechanisms of connectivity between land and sea, the methods used to track the flow of material from land to sea, and the role coastal terrestrial habitats play in marine ecosystems.
• Extensive knowledge of how activities on land affect the health and resilience of coastal ecosystems.
• Extensive knowledge of ocean and coastal governance in the United States, particularly the Clean Water Act and Coastal Zone Management Act.
• Excellent project management skills.
• Extensive network of relevant ocean science and policy experts.
• Experience developing and providing briefings, presenting testimony, etc. for resource managers, governmental bodies, leadership, and the media.
• Strong leadership skills and ability to work effectively with staff at many levels as a colleague or supervisor, as well as work successfully with faculty and researchers in developing project ideas from concept to implementation.
• Strong networking and relationship-building skills.
• Ability to work well in partnerships involving a wide variety of organizations.
• Outstanding written and verbal communications skills.
• Strong personal initiative, problem solving skills, creativity, and ability to work independently and as a member of a team.
• Track record and ability to secure funding.
Term: This is a one-year position extendable up to five years and beyond, contingent upon funding and performance.
Stanford University is committed to equal opportunity through affirmative action in employment and we are especially eager to identify minority persons and women with appropriate qualifications.
More information on the Center can be found at: www.centerforoceansolutions.org.
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