Sunday, November 03, 2013

Fellowships: 2014-15 Teaching Fellowships, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Shenzhen, China (application review ongoing)

The selection process for these teaching fellowships is supposed to start in a few weeks, so there still seems to be time to apply.

Job Posting: 2014-15 Teaching Fellowships
at Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL)
in Shenzhen, China

In 2008, Peking University, China’s oldest and most distinguished university, opened the first law school to offer a J.D. program in mainland China.  The program closely follows the model of J.D. education in the United States, focusing on American law, but within a transnational perspective. The Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) is located on the University’s graduate and professional campus in Shenzhen, which is adjacent to Hong Kong. Shenzhen is a vibrant, modern international city of fifteen million people. Enrollment at STL is very small compared to law schools in the United States – there are about 90 students in each class. Virtually all students are native speakers of Chinese, who speak English as a second language.  Admission is highly selective based on prior academic performance, scores on a national qualifying examination and the LSAT, and a rigorous interview.  The quality of the student body is comparable to that at the most prestigious law schools in the United States. Instruction is entirely in English.

For 2014-15, STL will appoint up to ten C.V. Starr Lecturers (CVSLs) in the Transnational Legal Practice Program. The program provides first-year and second-year students with intensive instruction in legal analysis, legal research and writing, and other professional and legal skills necessary for the practice of law in a global environment.  The Starr Lecturers work with students in small classes of about 10-12 to develop written and oral skills.  The CVSLs also co-teach the Legal Method course. The CVSLs are considered to be part of the faculty of STL and play a fully integrated, active role in the intellectual life of the law school. The appointments are for one year with the possibility of extension.

To be considered, a candidate for this position must hold a J.D. degree (or expect graduation in this academic year) and have native fluency in English.  Candidates should be responsible, enthusiastic, hard working, and adventurous.  Ability to speak Mandarin is useful for living in Shenzhen, but not necessary for the program.

CVSLs will be expected to arrive in Shenzhen in mid-August 2014, and be in residence throughout the academic year, which runs to the end of June 2015 (with an approximate one month break around the lunar new year).  Fellows will receive a private room with bath in the student and faculty campus housing complex, comprehensive medical insurance, roundtrip transportation from the United States or other country of origin, and a stipend of US$2000 per month (or the equivalent in RMB). While this is a modest amount by United States standards, given the cost of living in China prior CVSLs have found it to be sufficient to cover board, incidental living expenses and some travel in and around China during school breaks.

For more information about the STL see our website Please submit resumes and covering material via email to: 

Vice Dean Stephen Yandle
We will begin reviewing applications September 1, 2013, with the goal of completing the selection process by the end of 2013.  We will accept applications until all of the positions have been filled.

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