Friday, November 08, 2013

Positions: IP Project Officers for "IP KEY" (see below), Beijing, China (Deadline: Nov. 30, 2013)

Here's an announcement for IP-related positions in China that came across a listserve I am on.

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IP Key (“Intellectual Property: A Key to Sustainable Competitiveness”) is a three year project running from July 2013 - June 2016 intended to make China’s intellectual property (IP) framework more effective, fair, transparent, and otherwise based upon best practices. The project, funded by the European Commission and implemented and co-funded by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) with support from the European Patent Office (EPO), builds on the past EU-China IPR2 project amongst other EU-China initiatives. IP Key aims to meet its objective via implementing a number of activities covering all types of IP rights that advocate for change in the Chinese system and provide awareness on the workings of the Chinese and European IP systems.
Over the next few months we will be recruiting 3 Project Officers (see first job ad here: and 1-2 Interns (see first job ad here: to join our Beijing office. Candidates that are Chinese nationals are preferred. Much appreciated if members on this list can send these ads to interested candidates.

Dan Prud'homme
IP Key Project of the European Commission, OHIM, and EPO
Room 2480, Sunflower Tower, No. 37 Maizidian West Street, Beijing, China 100125

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